Arthritis-Causing Ability of Various Salmonella Serotypes Appears Similar

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Mar 13 – Regardless of the serotype isolated, after an outbreak of salmonella about in 1 in 10 patients will develop arthritis, according to a report published in the March issue of the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases.
Dr. T. Hannu, from Helsinki University Central Hospital, and colleagues assessed the prevalence of reactive arthritis following an outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium in Finland in 1999. Sixty-three of the 78 patients with verified infection returned the study questionnaire, which focussed specifically on musculoskeletal symptoms.

Five patients met criteria for reactive arthritis, the authors note. Subjects who received antimicrobial agents were less likely to develop arthritis than those who did not (p = 0.013). Furthermore, none of the patients who developed arthritis had received antimicrobial agents prior to the onset of joint symptoms

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